If you haven't visited this wonderful website yet, please do so now if you like to hear great people talk about ideas. I chanced upon it a year back or so with this video, and then on I just keep looking stuff on and off whenever I feel like.
The great thing about the talks is that most of them end within 20 minutes barring a few exceptions which are still less than 30 minutes. If you are a first time visitor and you find the number of talks overwhelming, here is an easy way to get initiated. You can search by talks, themes, speakers; I guess, that isn't actually a lot of help. So here you go further, you can search by - rated most "inspiring", "funny" and so on to get the cream first and then move on to other stuff if you like.
Here is another one (which I thought is quite interesting) to end this post.
The great thing about the talks is that most of them end within 20 minutes barring a few exceptions which are still less than 30 minutes. If you are a first time visitor and you find the number of talks overwhelming, here is an easy way to get initiated. You can search by talks, themes, speakers; I guess, that isn't actually a lot of help. So here you go further, you can search by - rated most "inspiring", "funny" and so on to get the cream first and then move on to other stuff if you like.
Here is another one (which I thought is quite interesting) to end this post.
Cool! Thanks for sharing this. I've already watched 5-6 of them.
good that you found it interesting. It is quite addictive for those who like this kind of stuff..